Hydrosphere Exercises, Questions & Answers | Unit 4 | Class 9 | Geography | Social | Samacheer
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Hydrosphere Book Back Questions & Answers, Exercises, Solutions, Tests, Quizzes, Videos and Podcasts for Class 9 | Unit 4 | Geography | Social | Samacheer Kalvi – English Medium
Samacheer Kalvi Social New Book Back Questions & Answers: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-9/social-4/hydrosphere/exercises
Podcasts: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-9/social-4/hydrosphere/videos
Tests & Quizzes: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-9/social-4/hydrosphere/tests
Flash Cards: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-9/social-4/hydrosphere/flashcards
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00:00 Introduction
00:30 Choose the correct answer
08:17 Assertion and reason
09:54 Match the following
Questions answered in this video –
1. The Sunda Trench lies in the ___________ ocean.
2. The temperature of the ocean waters generally_______ at greater depth.
3. Ocean currents are produced due to _________
4. Consider the following statements. 1. Most of the fishing grounds occur in areas where the continental shelf is wide. 2. Fishing is well developed in warm tropical waters. 3. Mixing of warm and cold currents facilitates plant nutrients for fish. 4.Inland fishing became significant in India.
5. The oceanic ridge comes into existence due to
6. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the topography beneath the surface of the sea?
7. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
8. The amount of planktons to be found in the ocean is determined by 1. Depth of the water. 2. Ocean currents. 3. Temperature and Salinity. 4. Length of day and night.
9. (A): Assertion (A): Oceans are always shown in blue in maps… (R): Reason(R): It indicates the natural colour of the oceans
10. (A): Assertion(A): Flat topped seamounts are known as Guyots… (R): Reason(R): All guyot features are of volcanic origin
11. (A): Assertion(A): Submarine canyons are deep gorges on the ocean floor… (R): Reason(R): They are mainly restricted to continental shelf, slope and rise
12. (A): Assertion (A): Atolls are more common in the Atlantic ocean… (R): Reason(R): The marine population at the depth is less
13. Mariana trench
14. Great Barrier Reef
15. Sargasso sea
16. Spring tides
17. Heavy rains
18. Kuroshio current
19. Continental slope