ID and eLearning Links 5/28/19
Author: Christy Tucker
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The links and resources in this post include tips for using research in designing learning experiences, a method to teach people to read sources critically, and research from outside learning.
How can we evaluate research for usefulness in learning experience design?
Designing Learning Experiences in an Evidence-Informed Way – 3-Star learning experiences Mirjam Neelen and Paul Kirschner on ways to systematically approach using evidence and evaluating research for use in learning.
tags:research learning
Step 1: Strip it and Flip it
The first part, ‘strip it’, means that you take a critical look at the language used…Step 2: Trace it
This comes down to: Don’t just trust what people say because they’re an authority or an (self-claimed?) expert…
Step 3: Analyse it
…Willingham suggests that if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. We would like to ‘flip’ that as well and say overall (which goes back to the ‘strip it’): If a claim sounds very strong, too generic, too dramatic, then it probably needs more nuance! …
Step 4. Should I do it?
In our profession, most of the time this would be about, should I apply this method, implement this strategy, buy this tool? …Mirjam Neelen & Paul A. Kirschner
How can we teach people to read sources critically?
Students Fall for Misinformation Online. Is Teaching Them to Read Like Fact Checkers the Solution? – The Chronicle of Higher Education This is a better way to teach digital literacy and fact checking. Instead of just focusing on deeply checking the source itself, use “lateral reading” to check other sources and circle back to the original.
How can we stop people from believing the lies that proliferate online? Typical digital-literacy efforts, this research suggests, are insufficient. The Stanford study offers an alternative: Imitating its third group of experts, professional fact-checkers. Rather than ticking off a checklist, in other words, students need to get into a critical frame of mind…
Caulfield has also written a free textbook, Web Literacy for Student Fact Checkers, that lays out what he calls “the four moves”: check for previous work, go upstream of the source, read laterally, and circle back.
Beckie Supiano
What can we learn from research in other domains?
Science of Learning Summit | Usable Learning Resources and reference list from Julie Dirksen’s “Eavesdropping on other Research Domains” session at the eLearning Guild Science of Learning Summit. tags:researchlearningmotivation
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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