February 14, 2025

#ISTE19: What’s Your 6 Word Story?

Author: Lisa Nielsen
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I came across a laptop at the International Society for Technology for Education conference that had a sticker on a Discovery Education laptop asking: What’s your six word story

I spoke to the Discovery reps about what it meant. They shared that you can use it for anything really. 

Having students watch a video? Ask them to be ready to report their six word story about it. Wondering about prior knowledge when introducing a topic? Ask participants to share their six word story. 

Attending ISTE with a bunch of brilliant colleagues? Ask them their six word ISTE story. That is what I did over lunch with some of the #NYCSchoolsTech staff who were attending ISTE.  

Here are their six word stories in a video.

Visit the six word stories from #NYCSchoolTech educators.

You can also read each story below. Some had two.

Six Word Stories from #NYCSchoolsTech educators at #ISTE19

Collaborating to predict the future world.

Perpetually ten minutes from your destination.
– Jenny Foxe

26000 people getting better together. 
-Eileen Lennon

Nerdy educators sharing stories in Philly.
Deeper dive into edtech. Infinite possibilities. 
-Cindy Wong

An experience that invigorated my being.
Sharing #JackiesShoes yearly at #ISTE19.
-Jackie Patanio

Where serendipitous connections can change everything. 
-Lisa Nielsen

Your Turn

This is a cool technique to do at a conference or any event or activity. If you were at ISTE or if you know someone who was, use the six word story technique to share reactions to the experience. It is a fun and meaningful conversation starter.

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