September 20, 2024

Julie Sonnemann, Education Research and Policy Consultant |The Song Room

Author: The Song Room via YouTube
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Julie delves into the current challenges facing schools, from issues such as Australian classes being some of the most disruptive in the world to supporting time-poor teachers. Julie guides us through the research that supports the arts as a valuable solution for schools in 2025.

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Julie’s Reading List:

Australian Government National Mental Health Commission, (2023). National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Australian Government.

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited (AITSL), (2022), Spotlight: Wellbeing in Australian schools, AITSL.

Bowen, D., Kisida, B., (2019). Investigating Causal Effects of Arts Education Experiences: Experimental Evidence from Houston’s Arts Access Initiative, National Endowment for the Arts.

Education Endowment Foundation, (2012), Arts participation: Moderate impact for very low cost based on moderate evidence.

Ewing R, (2011), The Arts and Australian Education: Realising Potential, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACEReSearch)

Hunter, J., Sonnemann, J., and Joiner, R. (2022). Making time for great teaching: How better government policy can help. Grattan Institute.

Vaughan, T., Caldwell, B., (2011), Bridging the Gap in School Achievement through the Arts, Educational Transformations.

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