February 27, 2025

MSYSA Online Learning

Source: http://www.michiganyouthsoccer.org/Page709.aspx

Michigan State Youth Soccer Association is proud to partner with ACTIVE Network to host our Online Coaching & Educational Certification Modules. You will need to create an online account and pay (if applicable) for the course in order to gain access to the course material.

After you create your free account and make your payment (if applicable), you will be directed to the Online Learning Module you’ve selected. The reason for account creation is to populate and create a certificate of completion specific to you as well as populate your certificate to your online profile. You may proceed with the course program, leave at any time and return later. You will need to remember the login information you created with your account in order to gain access. Each course can only be completed once per user.

To begin, select the course you wish to complete from the options below. Once you have registered and paid, navigate back to this page and click the “I’ve already paid, let’s get started!” link below the “Register” button to begin the module.

MSYSA 5-6 Online Recreational Coaching Module


The purpose of this coaching curriculum is to help educate the novice 5 & 6 age group recreational coach. We define the novice coach as someone who has limited or no experience working with players ages 4 and 5 years old. Many coaches have either played or coached at some ages but the U5 & U6 player is unique and to be a successful coach in this age group you will need a new skill set. REGISTERI’ve already paid, let’s get started!
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MSYSA Disciplinary Module


MSYSA has developed a comprehensive online educational course that can act as an additional disciplinary resource for Member Organizations within MSYSA. The educational course encompasses a number of disciplinary topics (typically handled by Member Organizations), which sometimes necessitate the need for correction action. This disciplinary module is intended to provide Member Organizations, if they so choose, the ability to help correct or modify behavior that has been deemed inappropriate. REGISTERI’ve already paid, let’s get started!
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MSYSA 7-8 Online Recreational Coaching Module


The purpose of this coaching curriculum is to help educate 7 & 8 age group recreational coaches. We understand recreational coaches come to the table with a wide range of experiences, from the novice coach with no experience to a veteran coach. With the game of soccer changing constantly and new educational research into child learning, we feel the content of this curriculum will be beneficial to coaches of any background. REGISTER
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MSYSA Parent Module


This module was designed with you, the parent, in mind! It will serve as a readily accessible resource or reference guide for information needed quickly. You will find a great deal of information on MSYSA programs, services, coaching educational opportunities and other developmental programs that MSYSA offers! REGISTER
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MSYSA Discipline & Appeals Educational Module


This free module will serve as a readily accessible resource or reference guide for information about procedures, policies, rules and various due process procedures that are vital discipline and appeal matters. A great deal of information on member organization responsibilities, sample communications, procedures for conducting hearings, etc. is included as part of the module. REGISTER
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MSYSA Insurance & Risk Management Module for Administrators


This free insurance and risk management module was developed to provide administrators and member organization leaders with a broad prospective on insurance and risk management. This education is free and introduces the types of insurance that direct member organizations of MSYSA receive and how it can be incorporated into soccer related activities. Additionally, this course will provide an overview of the necessary risk management practices that are in place and/or recommended to better assist member organization operations. REGISTER
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MSYSA 9-10 Online Recreational Coaching Module


The purpose of this coaching curriculum is to help educate 9 and 10 age group recreational coaches. We understand recreational coaches come to the table with a wide range of experiences, from the novice coach with no experience to a veteran coach. With the game of soccer changing constantly and new educational research into child learning, we feel the content of this curriculum will be beneficial to coaches of any background. REGISTER
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