February 24, 2025

Ninja Unicorn – Coloring Bookmarks

Author: @GwynethJones – The Daring Librarian
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Short Story: A wonderful 6th grade student & I teamed up and made this bookmark sheet and I want to share it with you.

I made copies and gave several to the creative young kid. Then, a few days later, one of my marvelous teachers Mrs. Granger, had her kids, including the boy who helped create the Ninja Unicorn, color it and we’re going to laminate it. I took a picture and was just amazed. My not so adroit drawings and rather amateurish lettering were brought to life  and made to look better by the amazing coloring of the kiddos. 

Why not ask some of your kids to come up with their own coloring bookmarks?  If you do, please share them with me and I will share them with my kids. Maybe we could trade them!?

You are invited to download the PDF for FREE  from my Slideshare.  

Here’s also my Google Doc blank bookmark template – Please go to File> Make a copy — or download the PDF on my Slideshare.

Longer Story: This coloring sheet came about by mistake. It came about because I’m kind of a doofus.

We were madly getting ready for MAP testing deadlines (going through each and every laptop) and also worrying over so many snow related school delays, that I forgot to sign up for a pot-luck breakfast for our district Library Media Professional Development day.

So, I made this bookmark. The ninja unicorn came from my cool 6grade Mr. J G. Whilst GJ (me) tried my best to trace and ink the coloring bookmark. These drawings feature 2 ninjas holding books not weapons. Dewey call number. (I still dig Dewey!) a Ninja Kitty….and yes, a Ninja Unicorn!

I also created a bookmark template that you can go to GSuite and make a copy. I hope this will inspire kiddos to be creative & create their own bookmarks.

Your Turn. 

What do you think about creating with kids coloring bookmarks? Have you added a coloring station? Please let me know in the comments or contact me! (contact link at the top of my main blog page) Cheers dears!

Coloring Pages

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Cheers dears!

Twitter: @GwynethJones – IG: The Daring Librarian. Future Ready Teacher Librarian & Tech Leader. Mover, Shaker, Blogger, International Ed Tech Keynote Speaker, Blogger, & Google Certified. Author of the award winning Daring Librarian blog. ISTE Board of Directors PK-12 Representative 2010-2014 – Creator of Content. Meme & Trope Archivist. Coastal Cottage owner. Geek. Ridiculously Humble.

Psst. In fear of sounding braggy, I just took a look at the stats of this blog. Yeah, I don’t really check them often because it gets into my head that I should post more. Don’t need that pressure! Just like I sometimes get discouraged by rarely getting real comments versus SPAM comments. But since I started this blog I’ve had: Pageviews all time history 3,756,820 Pretty cool, huh?

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