Nuclear Physics Exercises | Lesson 6 | Class 10 | Physics | Science | Samacheer Kalvi
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Nuclear Physics Book Back Questions & Answers, Exercises, Solutions, Tests, Quizzes, Videos and Podcasts for Class 10 | Lesson 6 | Physics | Science | Samacheer Kalvi – English Medium | TNPSC
Samacheer Kalvi Science New Book Back Questions & Answers: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/science-5/nuclear-physics/exercises
Podcasts: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/science-5/nuclear-physics/videos
Tests & Quizzes: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/science-5/nuclear-physics/tests
FlashCards: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/science-5/nuclear-physics/flashcards
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00:00 Introduction
00:11 Choose the correct answer
09:42 Fill in the blanks
11:39 Fill in the blanks using analogy
12:24 Match the following
12:50 Match the following
13:15 Match the following
13:45 Match the following
14:13 Match the following
14:39 Assertion and reason
Questions answered in this video –
1. Man-made radioactivity is also known as _____________
2. Unit of radioactivity is _____________
3. Artificial radioactivity was discovered by ____________ TEXTBOOK EVALUATION
4. In which of the following, no change in mass number of the daughter nuclei takes place i decay ii decay iii decay iv neutron decay
5. "____________ isotope is used for the treatment of cancer."
6. Gamma radiations are dangerous because
7. _____________ aprons are used to protect us from gamma radiations
8. Which of the following statements is/are correct? i. particles are photons ii. Penetrating power of radiation is very low iii. Ionization power is maximum for rays iv. Penetrating power of radiation is very high
9. Proton – Proton chain reaction is an example of __________________
10. In the nuclear reaction 6X12—–( decay) ZYA , the value of A & Z.
11. Kamini reactor is located at __________
12. Which of the following is/are correct? i. Chain reaction takes place in a nuclear reactor and an atomic bomb. ii. The chain reaction in a nuclear reactor is controlled iii. The chain reaction in a nuclear reactor is not controlled iv. No chain reaction takes place in an atom bomb
13. One roentgen is equal to ____________ disintegrations per second
14. Positron is an____________.
15. Anemia can be cured by ____________ isotope
16. Abbreviation of ICRP______
17. _________is used to measure exposure rate of radiation in humans.
18. _________ has the greatest penetration power
19. ZYA → Z+1YA + X; Then, X is __________
20. ZXA — ZYA This reaction is possible in ______________ decay.
21. The average energy released in each fusion reaction is about ________ J.
22. Nuclear fusion is possible only at an extremely high temperature of the order of ____ K.
23. The radio isotope of ________ helps to increase the productivity of crops.
24. If the radiation exposure is 100 R, it may cause ______________.
25. Spontaneous process : Natural Radioactivity, Induced process : ________
26. Nuclear Fusion : Extreme temperature, Nuclear Fission : ___________
27. Increasing crops : Radio phosphorous, Effective functioning of heart : _____
28. Deflected by electric field : ray, Null Deflection : __________
29. BARC
30. India’s first atomic power station
32. First nuclear reactor in india
33. Fuel
34. Moderator
35. coolant
36. shield
37. Shoddy Fajan
38. Irene curie
39. Henry Bequerel
40. Albert Einstien
41. Uncontrolled fission reaction
42. Fertile matrial
43. Controlled fission reaction
44. Fusion reaction
45. Co-60
46. I-131
47. Na-24
48. c-14
49. (A): A neutron impinging on U235, splits it to produce Barium and Krypton… (R): U – 235 is a fissile material.
50. (A): In a β – decay, the neutron number decreases by one.. (R): In β – decay atomic number increases by one
51. (A): Extreme temperature is necessary to execute nuclear fusion… (R): In a nuclear fusion, the nuclei of the reactants combine releasing high energy
52. (A): Control rods are known as ‘neutron seeking rods’.. (R): Control rods are used to perform sustained nuclear fission reaction