On Being a Dad
Author: George
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I had just finished a workshop with a group of administrators, and a participant came up to me and said, “I had seen you speak before you had your daughter and I wanted to tell you that you seem much more empathetic in your delivery. It was nice to see you grow.” It meant a lot to me.
Here are a few (of the seemingly endless) things that I have noticed since becoming a dad.
- I cry all of the time. Like, all the time. There is some sad crying but lots of good crying as well.
- I seem to spend less time on things that could bring me down because I am very aware of my mental health and mood when I am around Kallea and I spend more time focusing on people and things that lift me up. She makes me really happy, and I want to do the same for her.
- I feel like I have a different purpose than I did before. Many things that were once important to me aren’t as much, and things that weren’t important at all, now seem to be at the top of my list.
- When I think I have figured out being a dad, I tend to stumble. Parenting is tough.
- I understand my parents a lot more and appreciate all of the sacrifices they made for me to have opportunities they didn’t.
Parenting is a fantastic journey.