February 23, 2025

#oneword2023: REST

Author: Aubrey Yeh

I’ve been on a long blogging hiatus, and it probably has a lot to do with my #oneword2023, so without any pomp and circumstance, here it is:


Rest. I can’t quite tell you how I picked this word, but maybe it picked me. It’s been an intense couple of years. And I’m seeing the effects of that! While there are hundreds of stressors in my life, one piece of the puzzle is that I’m not very good at resting.

I like to be busy.
I like to be involved.
I enjoy being around people and it energizes me.
I enjoy challenging myself and it energizes me.
BUT just because I get energy from something doesn’t mean it’s restful.

Rest doesn’t just look like doing nothing, either. It’s finding ways to fill my soul that don’t involve a goal or a ton of brainpower (although I love a good puzzle!). It’s trying to get to bed earlier, knowing that I’ll feel better all week if I do. And it’s being in the moment and snuggling with my kitties, rather than rushing to work on my to-do list.

I am hoping to deeply rest this year. To find new ways of doing so that fill me up. To slow my mind so that I can rest in a physical, emotional, and spiritual sense.

I don’t feel like I have anything particularly profound to say, but maybe this year and a little more rest will bring some insights.

Rest well, friends, and happy 2023!

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