Pendulum | Chitti in the School | Kinetic & Potential Energy #chittitamil
Video by Chitti – Tamil via YouTube
Explore the fascinating movement of a pendulum to understand the concepts of kinetic and potential energy and the law of conservation of energy. This video dives into how energy transforms within the pendulum’s swing—at its peak, the pendulum holds maximum potential energy, and as it descends, that energy converts into kinetic energy. Learn how this constant energy exchange demonstrates the principle of energy conservation, making physics engaging and easy to grasp! Perfect for students looking to strengthen their science fundamentals.
Tags: #PendulumEnergy #SchoolScience #KineticEnergy #PotentialEnergy #EnergyConservation #PhysicsFun #ScienceForKids #Education #ScienceMadeSimple #STEMLearning #FunWithPhysics #SchoolExperiments #LearnWithChitti #ChittiScience #KidsScience #ScienceEducation #PhysicsConcepts #ScienceIsFun #FunLearning #EnergyTransformation #PendulumExperiment #ConservationOfEnergy #PhysicsExplained #EducationalContent #StudentLearning