January 10, 2025
Pie Chart Lesson

Pie Chart Lesson

Video by E-Learning for KIDS via YouTube
Pie Chart Lesson

A short lesson about pie charts. This video can be used for online or onsite learning. Pausing the video will give learners more time to view and study the pie charts.

Vocabulary words relevant to this lesson:

data- things known / assumed as facts, making the basis of calculation.

data labels- details about individual data points.

legend – an area of a chart describing each part of the chart
-in pie charts, it describes segment color.

percentage- is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.

segment- pie slices.

tally chart- is a simple way of recording and counting frequencies. Each occurrence is shown by a tally mark( I) and every fifth tally is drawn diagonally to make a “gate” of five (/). The tallies can then be counted to give the frequency.

title – tells the reader what the graph is all about.

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