February 24, 2025
PYTHON FS MC | DAY - 24 Python PostgreSQL – Update Table, Delete Data, Drop Table

PYTHON FS MC | DAY – 24 Python PostgreSQL – Update Table, Delete Data, Drop Table

Video by Pantech eLearning via YouTube
PYTHON FS MC | DAY - 24 Python PostgreSQL – Update Table, Delete Data, Drop Table

Attendance link for 24 – https://forms.gle/uiXVffvSTYhLkg7w9


Reg Fee – Rs.1999
Discount Fee – Rs.999
Use Coupon Code – PFSMC2
Reg Link: ‘https://imjo.in/pMxbSC

DAY 1 Python Programming – Fundamentals
DAY 2 Python – Tools | Syntaxes and Data Structures
HTML , Django
DAY 3 HTML Basic, Elements , Attributes , Headings
DAY 4 HTML Paragraphs , Styles , Formatting , Comments
DAY 5 HTML – Colors , CSS, links, images,tables
DAY 6 HTML – Forms, Form Attributes , Form Elements
DAY 7 HTML – Input Types, Input Attributes , Input Form Attributes
DAY 8 Django – Installation, Project, Virtual Environment Setup
DAY 9 Admin Interface , Django App , MVT
DAY 10 Django model , view , Template
DAY 11 URL Mapping, Static files handling , ModelForms , Django Forms
DAY 12 Form Validation , File upload , Database Connectivity , Database Migrations
DAY 13 Django Middleware , Request and Response , Django Exceptions
DAY 14 Django Session , Django cookie , Django CSV Output
DAY 15 Django PDF Output , Django and Bootstrap, Deploy on Github
DAY 16 Django Mail Setup , Django Default CRUD , CRUD Application
DAY 17 Django Redirects , Django on_delete , Django Class Based Generic views
DAY 18 Django UserCreationForm , Django Image Upload , Django ORM Queries
DAY 19 Django Form widget , Ruby on Rails vs. Django
DAY 20 PostgreSQL – Overview , Data Types , Create Database , Drop
DAY 21 PostgreSQL – Create Table , Drop Table , Schema
DAY 22 PostgreSQL – Insert Query , Select Query , Operators
DAY 23 Python PostgreSQL – Select Data , Where Clause, Order By.
DAY 24 Python PostgreSQL – Update Table, Delete Data, Drop Table
DAY 25 News Aggregator App – Django
DAY 26 Weather – App Using Django
DAY 27 Disease Prediction Using Django
DAY 28 Railway Reservation System
DAY 29 Resume builder using Django
DAY 30 Voting System Project Using Django Framework

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