February 18, 2025

Raspberry Pi Guy, Rocketboards, and Robots

Author: coolcatteacher@gmail.com (Victoria A Davis, Cool Cat Teacher)
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Matt Timmons-Brown on episode 487 of the 10-Minute Teacher

Matt Timmons-Brown is the “Raspberry Pi Guy” on Youtube. If you don’t know what the Raspberry Pi is, it is an amazing small computer from which you can make amazing things. Matt is the author of Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi. This 19-year old student at the University of Edinburg talks about how he interested himself in Computer Science and shares his insight on how to engage his generation in a powerful career.

Matt Timmons-Brown – Bio as SubmittedLearn Robotics with Raspberry Pi. BEng Computer Science & Electronics Undergraduate at The University of Edinburgh.







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