January 22, 2025
Real-World Data Governance: How Data Management and Data Governance Overlap

Real-World Data Governance: How Data Management and Data Governance Overlap

Author: DATAVERSITY via YouTube
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Real-World Data Governance: How Data Management and Data Governance Overlap

There is significant confusion about the similarities and differences between Data Governance and Data Management and the functions of the same name within organizations. There is no standard or single correct way to organize or address the two disciplines. Organizations need both disciplines – even if that means they are directed by and/or carried out by the same, or different, people.

Join Bob Seiner for this thought-provoking webinar that is relevant for every organization. Data Management and Data Governance are NOT the same thing. Bob will spend the hour presenting the similarities and differences between the two disciplines and propose a compromise as to how they can partner in ways that benefits the organization.

In this webinar, Bob will share:

– Foundational definitions for Data Management and Data Governance
– Defining the function of each discipline
– How Data Management and Data Governance are the same/different
– Building a partnership between Data Management and Data Governance
– Advancing the two disciplines together – the overlap

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