April 29, 2024
Schools Reinventing Nederland

Schools Reinventing Nederland

Schools Reinventing Nederland

Author: Minecraft Education via YouTube
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Schools Reinventing Nederland

How would you like to make your city more sustainable and livable? The Netherlands challenges all its young people to think about the future of their own city. A lot of work is being done in the country to think about and plan how public space will be used in the future.

Learn how you can participate at: aka.ms/ReinventNL
Learn more about Schools Reinventing here:
Hoe zou jij je stad duurzamer en leefbaarder willen maken? Nederland daagt al zijn jongeren uit om mee te denken over de toekomst van hun eigen stad. Er wordt in het land hard gewerkt om na te denken en te plannen hoe de openbare ruimte in de toekomst gebruikt gaat worden.

Lees hoe je mee kunt doen op: aka.ms/ReinventNL
Meer informatie over Schools Reinventing op: aka.ms/schoolsreinventingcities

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