January 23, 2025
Social Transformation in Tamil Nadu | Unit 10 | Class 10 | History | Social | Samacheer Kalvi

Social Transformation in Tamil Nadu | Unit 10 | Class 10 | History | Social | Samacheer Kalvi

Video by EduDeck – The Learning App – Samacheer Kalvi via YouTube
Social Transformation in Tamil Nadu | Unit 10 | Class 10 | History | Social | Samacheer Kalvi

Social Transformation in Tamil Nadu Book Back Questions & Answers, Exercises, Solutions, Tests, Quizzes, Videos and Podcasts for Class 10 | Social | Samacheer Kalvi – English Medium

Samacheer Kalvi Social New Book Back Questions & Answers: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/social-5/social-transformation-in-tamil-nadu/exercises

Podcasts: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/social-5/social-transformation-in-tamil-nadu/videos

Tests & Quizzes: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/social-5/social-transformation-in-tamil-nadu/tests

Flash Cards: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/social-5/social-transformation-in-tamil-nadu/flashcards

00:00 Introduction
00:13 Choose the correct answer
04:54 Fill in the blanks
06:30 Choose the correct statement
10:33 Match the following

Questions answered in this video –

1. __________ was the pioneer of social Reformers in India.

2. __________ established a full-fledged printing press in 1709, at Tranquebar.

3. __________ was the official newspaper of the Self Respect Movement.

4. Periyar wanted religion to be replaced by __________

5. __________ founded Adi Dravida Mahajana Sabha in 1893.

6. Indias first organised trade union, the Madras Labour Union was formed in__________.

7. __________ was established by the Justice Party Government for the selection of Government officials.

8. __________ was the first elected Legislative Council Member from the depressed class in Madras Province.

9. __________ was the first non-European language that went into print.

10. The College of Fort St. George was founded by __________.

11. __________ is considered the father of Tamil linguistic purism.

12. __________ was the first to approve participation of women in the electoral politics.

13. The name Suriyanarayana Sastri changed in Tamil as __________

14. __________ gave prominence to Tamil music.

15. The first Woman Legislator in India was __________.

16. (i) Thirukkural was one of the earliest Tamil literary texts to be published in 1812. (ii) Maraimalai Adigal collected and edited different palm leaf manuscripts of the Tamil grammars and literature. (iii) Robert Caldwell established the close affinity between the Dravidian languages in contrast with Sanskrit and also established the antiquity of Tamil. (iv) Thiru.Vi. Kalyanasundaram was an early pioneer in Trade union movement.

17. (i) Margret Cousin was one of the founders of Womens India Association. (ii) Periyar spent his entire life campaigning against superstitions through Thinkers or Rationalists Forums he had formed. (iii) Singaravelar was a staunch supporter of the Hindu Mahasabha (iv) Periyar emphasised that the caste system in South India is linked with the arrival of Brahmins from the North.

18. Assertion (A): The Justice Party continued to remain in government from 1920-1937 in Madras Presidency. Reason (R): The Congress Party boycotted the Madras Legislature during this period of Dyarchy.

19. Assertion (A): As World War I was in progress, the British Government was considering the introduction of representative institutions for Indians after the war. Reason (R): In 1920, Dyarchy as a form of Government was introduced in the provinces.

20. Dravidian Home

21. Thozhilalan

22. Tani Tamil Iyakkam

23. Jeeviya Saritha Surukkam

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