Speed and Mass Distribution | ChittiTamil #chitti #AskChitti #sciencecity #sciencefun
Video by Chitti – Tamil via YouTube
In this exciting YouTube Short, Chitti explores the fascinating relationship between mass distribution and the speed of a rotating object using a fun playground experiment! Watch as Chitti demonstrates how changing the mass affects how fast something spins. It’s a quick and engaging way to understand this key scientific principle. Perfect for curious minds!
Tags: #ChittisExperimentShorts #science #experiments #funlearning #lmes #lmesacademy #LetsMakeEducationSimple #education #massdistribution #speed #rotatingobjects #playgroundexperiment #STEM #scienceforkids #learning #educationalfun #hands-on #curiosity #exploration #sciencefun #physics #experimenttime #scienceeducation #funscience #learningbydoing