February 23, 2025
Testimonial ⚡ Margherita from Italy (08/01/21) | robito.info

Testimonial ⚡ Margherita from Italy (08/01/21) | robito.info

Author: TRY HYPNOSIS with robito via YouTube
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Testimonial ⚡ Margherita from Italy (08/01/21) | robito.info

Margherita had one session with me at the Garden in Town Hostel in Porto on 22nd December 2020. Here she gives feedback on her amazing session and how she feels 2 ½ weeks later. Try hypnosis online or in person with me: http://robito.info

We met on her last day in Portugal and her last day after 3 months travelling and working on her fears. First, we did a deep emotional cleaning to remove any negativity stored in the body and mind.

For some people there is one specific strong emotion that comes up that is not serving them. For Margherita, this was fear. Not fear from a particular past event, but fear of failing, fear of what people might think, fear of making the wrong choice, etc.

So next we visited ‘the control room’ which is where we turned down the negative feeling of fear in all those forms and amplified their positive counterparts, such as confidence and self-assurance.

Finally, she visited herself as a little girl and as a teenager during two moments in her life when she was feeling full of self-confidence and self-love, and she gave herself a hug.

Back in Italy now, Margherita has returned to the room she lived in as a teenager; she is enjoying a better relationship with her parents and she is feeling, for the first time in her life, light, "in the now and here".

More About Hypnosis:

EEG readings from adult brains reveal that neural electrical activity is correlated with different states of awareness. Readings show that the human brain operates on at least 5 different frequency levels, each associated with a different brain state.

Delta and Theta brain frequencies define a brain state known as a hypnagogic trance. This is the neural state that hypnotherapists use to directly access the subconscious of their clients.

In the Delta and Theta states, which operate at levels far below waking consciousness, the client can discover where negative images, feelings, thoughts, emotions, sensations and behaviours come from, and it is where the hypnotherapist can help the client make perfect, positive lifestyle changes quickly and safely that heal, and would otherwise take years of therapy or self-help to achieve.

For more information and contact me @ http://robito.info

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