January 12, 2025
The Universe and Solar System Exercises | Unit 1  | Class 6 | Geography | Social | Samacheer Kalvi

The Universe and Solar System Exercises | Unit 1 | Class 6 | Geography | Social | Samacheer Kalvi

Video by EduDeck – The Learning App – Samacheer Kalvi via YouTube
The Universe and Solar System Exercises | Unit 1  | Class 6 | Geography | Social | Samacheer Kalvi

The Universe and Solar System Book Back Questions & Answers, Exercises, Solutions, Tests, Quizzes, Videos and Podcasts for Class 6 | Unit 1 | Geography | Social | Samacheer Kalvi – English Medium

New Book Back Questions & Answers: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-6/social/the-universe-and-solar-system/exercises

Podcasts: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-6/social/the-universe-and-solar-system/videos

Tests & Quizzes: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-6/social/the-universe-and-solar-system/tests

Flash Cards: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-6/social/the-universe-and-solar-system/flashcards

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00:00 Introduction
00:15 Choose the correct answer
02:28 Fill in the blanks
06:00 Circle the odd one out
07:12 Match the following
07:53 Consider the following statements

Questions answered in this video –

1. The movement of the Earth on its axis is called

2. The Tropic of Capricorn faces the Sun directly on

3. The galaxy in which our solar system is found is

4. The only celestial body where man has successfully landed

5. Which of the following planets can float on water?

6. The Universe was formed after__________explosion

7. __________is the unit used to measure the distance between two celestial bodies

8. ________is the centre of the solar system.

9. The word planet means______

10. _________planet has many natural satellites

11. Indias first ever mission to the moon is_____

12. Earth is inclined by______degrees

13. The Equator faces the Sun directly on______ and_____

14. At the time of Perihelion, the Earth is_________ to the Sun

15. The line which divides day and night on the Earths surface is_____ .

16. Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn

17. Sirius, Andromeda, Milky way, Magellanic clouds

18. Pluto, Eris, Ceres, Io

19. Comet, Asteroids, Meteorites, Dwarf planets

20. Rover, Orbiter, Aroplane , Space shuttle

21. Hottest Planet

22. Ringed Planet

23. Red Planet

24. Somersaulting Planet

25. Coldest Planet

26. 1. Venus rotates from east to west. 2. The Tropic of Cancer faces the Sun on June 21. 3. Mars has rings around it. Choose the correct answer using the codes given below.

27. Statement I: Earth is called a watery planet. Statement II: The rotation of the Earth causes seasons. Which of the statement(s) is/are true?

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