March 13, 2025

Trailer for Open Space Workshop at #OER20: Foraging for Good Hybridity in Third Spaces

Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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OER20: Care in Openness, 1-2 April


As a result of the recent developments with the COVID-19 outbreak, ALT has had to cancel the face to face OER20 Conference in London, 1-2 April 2020. Instead we are going to offer a reduced programme of activities online.
The online programme will take place 1-2 April 2020 and utilise the experience that ALT has of running the ALT Online Winter Conference.  We have put together these pages to provide as much information and help as possible in order to maximise your experience of the online programme of activities. As you will be aware these arrangements have had to be implemented very quickly in order to accommodate this change of plan and we would ask you to be patient while we update pages accordingly.


For those not already registered to attend OER20 in person you can now register now to receive updates and participate in the online OER20 programme.
Note: If you were registered for OER20 in London, you will automatically be registered for online activities. You do not need to register again.
There is no fee to attend the online programme, however, should you wish to make a contribution towards your participation please do so.
If you are not already an ALT Member, we also encourage you to join ALT to become part of our network and support our work all year round.

This year’s theme: The Care in Openness

Covering issues of privilege, equity, precarity, power relations and public interest, OER20 will put the spotlight on both the value and limitations of care in open education.
Care is a means for social transformation when it is rooted in actual practices and mechanisms that guarantee its redistribution towards a lasting social reorganisation (ZEMOS98, 2019). But in the age of data surveillance and significant risk on the open web, how can we map out and give visibility to the critical component of care practices? How can we build sustainable communities, participatory practices, and civic engagement for the public good and a healthier democracy?
  • Theme 1: Openness in the age of surveillance
  • Theme 2: Sustainable open education communities
  • Theme 3: Open education for civic engagement and democracy
  • Theme 4: Criticality and care in open education
  • Theme 5: Caring pedagogies and designing for diverse communities of inclusion
  • And also Wildcard submissions : open education practice, research or policy session proposals that address the overarching conference theme.
Please direct any questions you may have to and we will do our best to help.


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Fuente: [ #OER20  ]