UPSC Mains के लिए Answer Writing कैसे शुरु करें? | IAS Mains Answer Writing From Zero | उत्तर लेखन
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UPSC Mains के लिए Answer Writing कैसे शुरु करें? | IAS Mains Answer Writing From Zero | उत्तर लेखन के महत्वपूर्ण फॉर्मेट
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Essay paragraphs
A paragraph is a related group of sentences that develops one main idea. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain:
a topic sentence that states the main or controlling idea
supporting sentences to explain and develop the point you’re making
evidence from your reading or an example from the subject area that supports your point
analysis of the implication/significance/impact of the evidence finished off with a critical conclusion you have drawn from the evidence
a concluding sentence that restates your point, analyses the evidence, or acts as a transition to the next paragraph.
Tips for effective writing
Start writing early —the earlier the better. Starting cuts down on anxiety, beats procrastination, and gives you time to develop your ideas.
Keep the essay question in mind. Don’t lose track of the question or task. Keep a copy in front of you as you draft, edit and work out your argument.
Don’t try to write an essay from beginning to end, especially not in a single sitting. Begin with what you are ready to write—a plan, a few sentences or bullet points. Start with the body and work paragraph by paragraph.
Write the introduction and conclusion after the body. Once you know what your essay is about, then write the introduction and conclusion.
Use ‘signpost’ words in your writing. Transition signals can help the reader follow the order and flow of your ideas.
Integrate your evidence carefully. Introduce quotations and paraphrases with introductory phrases.
Revise your first draft extensively. Make sure the entire essay flows and that the paragraphs are in a logical order.
Put the essay aside for a few days. This allows you to consider your essay and edit it with a fresh eye.
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