#CIDUI2020 11th Congress CIDUI 2020 Beyond competencies: new challenges in a digital society @CIDUI_congress 1-3 July 2020 La Farga Activity Center XI Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació
Author: Juan José Calderón Amador
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Hoy traemos a este espacio el 11th Congress CIDUI 2020. Beyond competencies: new challenges in a digital society que tendrá lugar del 1-3 July 2020 en La Farga Activity Center. Organizado por las universidades públicas catalanas y la ACUP
🗓️Reserveu agendes, l’onzena edició del #CIDUI2020 “Més enllà de les competències: nous reptes en la societat digital”de l’1 al 3 de juliol de 2020 a La Farga Centre d’Activitats.
💡Ja ens podeu fer arribar propostes de comunicació fins al 7/01/2020. https://t.co/tXpJImsdhi pic.twitter.com/9E5cgurMpE
— CIDUI (@CIDUI_congress) October 30, 2019
💡Ja ens podeu fer arribar propostes de comunicació fins al 7/01/2020. https://t.co/tXpJImsdhi pic.twitter.com/9E5cgurMpE
— CIDUI (@CIDUI_congress) October 30, 2019
El mes de juliol de l’any 2000 els Instituts de Ciències de l’Educació (ICEs) de la Universitat de Barcelona, de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya organitzaven el I Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI). Els organitzadors eren conscients d’estar vivint canvis molt ràpids que obligaven a atendre, molt més, la contínua variabilitat de les coses, que a llur estabilitat i continuïtat. Les noves realitats demanaven nous professionals amb capacitat d’autoaprenentatge per a afrontar noves situacions i coordinar i dirigir equips.
A poc a poc es van anar afegint al CIDUI la resta d’universitats públiques catalanes. Actualment, en formen part els Instituts de Ciències de l’Educació de la Universitat de Barcelona, la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, la Universitat de Girona i la Universitat de Lleida, la Unitat d’Innovació Docent en Educació Superior de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, el Centre de Qualitat i Innovació Docent de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra i l’eLearn Center de la UOC.
Algunas fechas:
Oral communications and posters
Procedure for presenting oral communication and poster
Before proceeding please read carefully the General Regulations.
In order to present a paper at the conference, at least the author that will present the paper must register and pay the fees. The deadline for registration is 19th June 2020.
The entire process is done through a platform Conftool.
2. Submitting proposals
Dates: From 29th November 2019 to 17th January 2020.
See the PROPOSAL TEMPLATE to send all papers. The organization will accept only paper with the template.
IMPORTANT. Aspects to fill the PROPOSAL template:
- It allows copying text from other text editors.
- All tables or graphics must be attached in JPEG format, at the end of the proposal.
- Once attached a table or graphic, it can be replaced, but can NOT be removed.
- Do not include the authors’ name in this template.
- It allows saving the information and continue working at another time.
- The template must be saved with the ID contribution generated by the platform Conftool.
Submitting: Trough the ConfTool platform.
Notification of the resolution by the Scientific Committee: from 23rd March 2020.
3. Submitting final version of papers
Dates: from 26th March to 18th June 2020.
The final text of the accepted papers (oral and poster presentations) will be sent through the ConfTool platform by the FINAL template.
4. Submitting poster (only for papers with poster format)
The poster will be sent through ConfTool platform. More information: Poster presentation.
Dates: from 26th March to 18th June 2020
5. Presenting papers during the Congress
More information: ““Description of sessions””
The title of this edition is “Beyond competencies: new challenges in a digital society”. The current university world is witnessing a clear transformation that entails the emergence of new training challenges as a result of the changes that society is experiencing (technological, social, political, cultural, environmental …). Challenges related, among others, to the emergence of new student profiles who demand new teaching and learning models that include emerging professional profiles and the application of new organizational models in higher education.
The transformation of teaching strategies and university systems, from the creation of knowledge and innovative practices, must allow the university, as a social agent, to respond to a new generation of students who learn in a different way as a result of the Digital era in conjunction with local and global changes.
Topic 1: Students in the digital age
- New profiles, skills and learning methods for the construction of their own formative Project throughout their life
- The transition from high school to university
- Innovative experiences of interaction between students and professors
- Student participation in the university
Topic 2: Architecture and learning spaces.
- Innovative experiences within the university (classrooms, laboratories, etc)
- Innovative experiences outside of the university (external practices, final bachelor´s and master´s thesis, dual training, international mobility, etc)
- Use of emerging technologies (robotics, artificial intelligence, etc.)
- Application of learning analytics and neuroscience.
Topic 3: University-society relationship
- Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals
- Teaching and learning focused around gender perspective
- Service-Learning experiences
- Cooperation between the university and business
Topic 4: Professional Development
- Teaching skills in the context of new challenges
- Teacher training programs and experiences
- Innovative experiences for teacher teams
- Evaluation of the quality and teaching improvement actions
Fuente: [ CIDIU]