Best of eLearning Learning for February 8, 2020
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Best of eLearning Learning
February 8, 2020
ELEARNING INDUSTRY | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2020 Offline Learning For Employee Engagement: 6 Tips To Use Anytime, Anywhere Learning To Boost Participation Rates
Allowing your employee training participants to learn anytime, anywhere is a helpful technique, but you have to do it right. How do you ensure they’re actually learning when you can’t constantly monitor them? In this article, I share 6 tips to use learning on-the-go tools to boost participation rates. MORE >> -
LEARNING WITH E’S | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2020 Exploring medical technologies
Image from Torange A lesser known fact about my career is that I have worked intermittently in medical science for quite several decades. One of my earliest jobs back in the 1980s was managing the educational technology and learning resources for several nurse education centres across the South West of England. MORE >> -
ELEARNING INDUSTRY | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2020 What The TV Show “Cops” Can Teach Us About Designing Addictive Training Experiences
Did you know that the TV show “Cops” always includes a chase scene before the first commercial break? Have you ever tried to change the channel while watching an episode? You can’t! You need to see what happens next. As it is one of the longest-running shows on TV, there is a lot we can learn from their success. MORE >> -
ELEARNING INDUSTRY | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2020 7 Tips To Evaluate The Image Gallery Of A Rapid eLearning Authoring Tool To Maximize ROI
Not all rapid eLearning authoring tools are created equal. One way to differentiate top-notch platforms from sub-par software is the image gallery. In this article, I share tips to evaluate the assets and maximize ROI. This post was first published on eLearning Industry. MORE >> -
ELEARNING INDUSTRY | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2020 Planning To Build An Online Language Learning Platform? Here’s What You Need To Know
Here are the highlights of the language learning platform clone script features that will make a language learning startup stand apart. This post was first published on eLearning Industry. eLearning Platforms Educational Technology eLearning Benefits Language eLearning Online LearnersMORE >>
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