October 2, 2024

United States Health Policy

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Many Americans complain that they do not understand the U.S. health reform law called the Affordable Care Act (or Obamacare). They are right, and the main reason is because most Americans do not understand the basics of the U.S. health care system and U.S. health policy. Featuring some of the nation’s foremost teachers and thought leaders, this course provides students with a basic and thorough understanding of the U.S. health care system focusing on access, quality of care, and costs. Students will learn how the system is structured, how care is organized, delivered, and financed, and how the Affordable Care Act will influence the future of the system. Students will understand the U.S. health policy making structure process at the federal, state, and local levels. Students who complete this course will be able to interpret current controversies around US health policy and develop informed opinions on future policy developments.


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