March 13, 2025

அமெரிக்காவில்”நஞ்சு மனிதர்” நூல் வெளியீடு. Introducing “Nachu Manithar” to the Tamil Diaspora.

Video by Education, Innovation, Leadership !! via YouTube
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The author of "Nanchu Manithar", Mr. Chandrakumar Sundaralingam, lecturer of Drama & Theater at Eastern University introduces his book among members of Tamil diaspora.
A zoom event organized by the Center for Education, Innovation, Leadership, Community Service. University professors, Theater specialists, Teachers , and Friends from Germany, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, and Sri Lanka took part in the event.

We congratulate Mr. Chandrakumar for publishing a book that educates people in Sri Lanka of the danger of consuming agricultural product that contain chemicals and poison.

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