ACRL DSS ORDG: Agile Skunks: Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Support of Digital Research Outputs
Author: Association of College and Research Libraries via YouTube
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Recording of the January 28, 2021, ACRL Digital Scholarship Section Open Research Discussion Group: -Agile Skunks: Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Support of Digital Research Outputs with speakers Reid Boehm and
Taylor Davis-Van Atta.
Digital research outputs are increasingly common and accepted across academic disciplines, and often constitute vital components of researcher publications and portfolios. As such, research libraries are faced with challenges around providing adequate stewardship for these products. At University of Houston Libraries, an interdisciplinary, cross-departmental team is engaged in a model of collaboration aimed at building shared understandings, workflows, and open infrastructures that provide a foundation for services that meet this need.
This presentation outlines the process this team developed in working toward solutions for the preservation, access, and reuse of bespoke research outputs. Central to these efforts is understanding areas of convergence in our collective library expertise that are not often acknowledged, communicated, or fully known. This work applies principles found in OCLC’s Social interoperability in research support and Bethany Nowviskie’s skunkworks approach—principles we believe are fundamental to meeting challenges inherent to complex technological service development.