February 25, 2025
ACRL ULS PDC: Building a Community to Foster Your Professional Growth

ACRL ULS PDC: Building a Community to Foster Your Professional Growth

Author: Association of College and Research Libraries via YouTube
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ACRL ULS PDC: Building a Community to Foster Your Professional Growth

Recording from March 25, 2021, ACRL University Libraries Section Professional Development Committee: Building a Community to Foster Your Professional Growth with speakers, Zary Kamarei, Erin Richter-Weikum,
Kate Silton , and Karen Sobel.

Many academic and research librarians work solo or in small organizations. Working in these environments can foster extremely versatile skill-building and independence.

In this presentation, four experienced librarians with academic and research experience will discuss a range of opportunities for individual librarians to build community with professional growth in mind. Zary Kamarei will discuss ways in which librarians can connect with colleagues in the same geographic region to support professional growth. Kate Silton will discuss strategies for building communities of practice beyond those created by professional organizations. Erin Richter-Weikum will use her experience in research libraries to discuss opportunities for non-academic librarians and libraries. Karen Sobel will discuss strategies for seeking and building mentoring relationships in order to develop as a professional and ultimately “move to the next level.” The session will include a substantial amount of time for discussion with participants.

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