December 22, 2024
ACRL ULS PDC: Team-Based Subject Liaisons: A Model for Successful and Sustainable Engagement

ACRL ULS PDC: Team-Based Subject Liaisons: A Model for Successful and Sustainable Engagement

Author: Association of College and Research Libraries via YouTube
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ACRL ULS PDC: Team-Based Subject Liaisons: A Model for Successful and Sustainable Engagement

Recording from the February 25, 2022, ACRL University Libraries Section Professional Development Committee: Team-Based Subject Liaisons: A Model for Successful and Sustainable Engagement with speakers Alex Carroll and Honora Nerz Eskridge.

Liaison librarians are essential to the success of academic libraries; yet many libraries have struggled to define the role of the subject specialist. This disconnect has resulted in a proliferation of numerous service models and deployment strategies, the two most common being the discipline specialist and functional specialist. Despite the widespread adoption of these models, neither of these approaches has been consistently successful. Managers and administrators within university libraries using these models have struggled with how to achieve greater and more uniform success. In this webinar, Honora Eskridge and Alex Carroll will present a team-based liaison model that can achieve more consistent, sustainable outcomes. Attendees will leave this session with an understanding of the benefits of a team-based model and strategies for designing team-based services at their local institutions.

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