Educational TechnologyVideos
Advanced layout concepts – MAD Skills
Video by Android Developers via YouTube
In this episode, we’ll take a look out more advanced layout concepts and how they can help you take your design implementations to the next level.
Learn more about custom layouts in Compose → https://goo.gle/3xJboGS
Watch the Custom Layouts in Compose video → https://goo.gle/custom-layouts-in-compose
Explore the Jetlagged Compose sample → https://goo.gle/compose-jetlagged
Learn more about Compose phases → https://goo.gle/3jvc0fQ
Learn more about Compose modifiers → https://goo.gle/3JlrE82
Watch more MAD Skills episodes → http://goo.gle/madskills
Catch more videos → https://goo.gle/layouts-mad
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