February 26, 2025

Army Correspondence Courses – ACCP

Source: http://www.ezarmypoints.com/army-correspondence-courses/

18 September 2013 By: Megan H

What are Army Correspondence Courses?

The Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP) is the formal, nonresident education system the Army uses for online learning. This system has changed quite a bit in the last 5 years or so. Whether you are a seasoned soldier or a brand new private, there may be a lot you don’t know about the Army Correspondence Course Program.

Why Should I do Army Correspondence Courses?

The first thing you may want to know about ACCP is what’s in it for you. The simplest answer to that is more money! Army Correspondence Courses are worth promotion points. Every 5 hours of correspondence courses you complete is worth 1 promotion point. However, the sub courses do not count unless you complete the entire course. The maximum promotion points you may receive from computer based training is 78/84 for SGT/SSG. If you are not familiar with the Army Promotion Point System, our home page gives a complete overview.

How to Sign up for Army Correspondence Courses

Correspondence courses are located on the Army Learning Management System (ALMS) which can be accessed through AKO or the Army ALMS login page.

  1. Log on to your AKO with your username and password or CAC. (You are required to use your CAC to take ACCP tests) Army Correspondence Courses (ALMS)
  2. Click on the “Self Service” drop down menu.
  3. Click on “My Education”.
  4. When it brings you to the new screen, you will see the ALMS symbol like the one to the right. Click on it and it will bring you to the Army Learning management System.
  5. Click on “Go to ALMS Homepage”.
  6. Click “Course Search” towards the top of the page.
  7. At this point, you can search for courses in a couple of different ways. You can type in a keyword and click “Search” if you have an idea of what you are looking for. If you just want to browse through all of the courses, you can leave it blank and click “Search”.
  8. Once you have decided on a course to take, click “Register” under the appropriate course.
  9. Confirm that this is the correspondence course you want to take by clicking “Continue Registration”.

Launching Army Correspondence Courses

You have the choice of launching your course as soon as you have completed the registration. If you choose not to complete the course at that time, follow the steps below to launch your course.

  1. From the Army Learning Management homepage, click on “enrollments” in the “Execute Training” section.
  2. Courses that you are enrolled in will be listed in order by registration date. Find the course you need and click the “Launch” button.

  3. You will be directed to the Learning Assignments page, where the individual modules of the course will be listed, if applicable.

  4. The course will launch in a new window with a table of contents. Click the first link and begin taking your course.

Printing Army Correspondence Course Certificate of Completion

From the ALMS homepage, click on “Training History” in the menu bar. All of the courses you have completed with be listed on the page. Find the course then click the “Print Certificate of Completion” link under the Completion Status column. This will pull up your certificate.
