February 24, 2025
Calculations using Avogadro's number (part 2) | Chemistry | Khan Academy

Calculations using Avogadro’s number (part 2) | Chemistry | Khan Academy

Author: Khan Academy via YouTube
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Calculations using Avogadro's number (part 2) | Chemistry | Khan Academy

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Practice converting from grams to moles to molecules, formula units, and atoms through these four example problems. Grams are the standard unit of mass in the laboratory, while moles are used in calculations to relate mass to the number of particles. This system of units allows for communication between the microscopic world of atoms and the macroscopic world we interact with daily.

00:00 – Convert moles to molecules of glucose
03:07 – Convert moles to number of hydrogen atoms in glucose
06:29 – What is a formula unit?
08:40 – Convert mass to moles to formula units in CaCO3
12:49 – Calculate the number of oxygen atoms from moles of CaCO3

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