February 22, 2025
Compose Layouts and Modifiers: Live Q&A - MAD Skills

Compose Layouts and Modifiers: Live Q&A – MAD Skills

Video by Android Developers via YouTube
Compose Layouts and Modifiers: Live Q&A - MAD Skills

Welcome to the live Q&A for the Compose Layouts and Modifiers for MAD Skills! Join Chris Arriola, Jolanda Verhoef, Simona Stojanovic, and Andrei Shikov to get answers to the Compose Layouts and Modifier questions you may have!

0:00 – Introduction
2:00 – Is it the right time to migrate existing XML code into Compose?
3:50 – I’m new to Android development. Should I use Compose or XML?
4:55 – When should I use Column vs LazyColumn?
6:30 – Is there a schedule for M2 & M3 parity?
8:25 – Will there be scroll support out-of-the-box for LazyColumn?
11:55 – In what scenarios should I create a custom layout vs use Row/Column/Box?
14:36 – So there will be no XML layouts?
17:48 – When should I use Modifier.alignByBaseline()?
19:34 – How to migrate an app built in Java to Compose?
20:48 – Can I pass multiple modifiers in a Composable?
22:29 – When will scrollbars be supported?
23:55 – Why is RecyclerView faster than Lazy Lists?
28.58 – Will there be any impact on performance if we use more columns?
29:58 – Lots of Compose features are experimental. How concerned should we be using these features in production?
32:05 – What are some tips to debug custom Compose layouts?
34:15 – Why should we use composed { } when creating custom modifiers?
36:36 – Do I still need to use ConstraintLayout?
40:22 – When should I use SubcomposeLayout?
41:58 – Which architecture is most suitable for a Compose app?
43:45 – What is the fastest way to switch from XML to Compose and migrate ongoing projects?

Compose Layouts:
Basis → https://goo.gle/3TlOOOs
ConstraintLayout in Compose → https://goo.gle/3n1byqQ
Custom layouts → https://goo.gle/3xJboGS
Advanced layout concepts → https://goo.gle/3JHKSV3

Compose Modifiers:
Guide → https://goo.gle/3JlrE82
Deep dive → https://goo.gle/3Jl2UuZ
Constraints and modifier order → https://goo.gle/3Toz4KP

Migrate to Compose:
Existing View-based apps → https://goo.gle/3TlPmnu
Migrating Sunflower → https://goo.gle/3lpU5YH

More on Compose:
Roadmap → https://goo.gle/3FttnVY
Performance → https://goo.gle/3JNLUPC
Tooling → https://goo.gle/3Lwaupg
Architecture → https://goo.gle/3n0FraK

Watch MAD Skills Compose Layouts and Modifiers episodes → https://goo.gle/layouts-mad
Watch more MAD Skills episodes → https://goo.gle/madskills
Subscribe to Android Developers → https://goo.gle/AndroidDevs

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