February 27, 2025
Cultivating Learning: Digital Storytelling to Foster Student Engagement

Cultivating Learning: Digital Storytelling to Foster Student Engagement

Author: Smithsonian Education via YouTube
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Cultivating Learning: Digital Storytelling to Foster Student Engagement

Join Jamie Gillan and Matthew Decker, Montgomery College English professors and co-coordinators of the Digital Storytelling Internship, and Eve Elias Stowell, a Montgomery College student and DS Internship aluma, to explore the use of digital storytelling as a pedagogical tool and classroom strategy to foster student engagement, improve writing skills, increase technological skills, develop self-confidence, and promote community. We will showcase student work as a catalyst to discuss the storytelling process, specific techniques, and the impact of this type of assessment strategy on students and the community beyond the classroom. Participants will leave with a collection of ready-to-use strategies and free online resources designed to aid educators in creating storytelling projects for their own students in a variety of classrooms across academic levels.

This interactive webinar is part of the “Cultivating Learning” focusing on techniques to use digital museum resources for learning. Check out “Cultivating Learning” and other Smithsonian Learning Lab webinars: https://learninglab.si.edu/help

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