January 11, 2025
Electricity (Book back Answers) | Unit 4  | Class 10 | Physics | Science | Samacheer Kalvi

Electricity (Book back Answers) | Unit 4 | Class 10 | Physics | Science | Samacheer Kalvi

Video by EduDeck – The Learning App – Samacheer Kalvi via YouTube
Electricity (Book back Answers) | Unit 4  | Class 10 | Physics | Science | Samacheer Kalvi

Electricity Book Back Questions & Answers, Exercises, Solutions, Tests, Quizzes, Videos and Podcasts for Class 10 | Unit 4 | Physics | Science | Samacheer Kalvi – English Medium | TNPSC

New Book Back Questions & Answers: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/science-5/electricity/exercises

Podcasts: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/science-5/electricity/videos

Tests & Quizzes: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/science-5/electricity/tests

Flash Cards: https://www.thelearning.app/samacheer-kalvi-english-medium/class-10/science-5/electricity/flashcards

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00:00 Introduction
00:12 Choose the correct answer
01:56 Fill in the blanks
03:46 Match the following
04:08 True or false
05:11 Assertion and reason

Questions answered in this video –

1. Which of the following is correct?

2. SI unit of resistance is

3. In a simple circuit, why does the bulb glow when you close the switch?

4. Kilowatt hour is the unit of

5. When a circuit is open, _____________ cannot pass through it. .

6. The ratio of the potential difference to the current is known as ________.

7. The wiring in a house consists of _________ circuits.

8. The power of an electric device is a product of _________ and __________.

9. LED stands for ___________________

10. Electric current

11. Potential difference

12. Specific resistance

13. Electrical power

14. Electrical energy

15. Ohms law states the relationship between power and voltage.

16. MCB is used to protect house hold electrical appliances.

17. The SI unit for electric current is the coulomb.

18. One unit of electrical energy consumed is equal to 1000 kilowatt hour.

19. The effective resistance of three resistors connected in series is lesser than the lowest of the individual resistances.

20. (A): Electric appliances with a metallic body have three wire connections… (R): Three pin connections reduce heating of the connecting wires

21. (A): In a simple battery circuit the point of highest potential is the positive terminal of the battery… (R): The current flows towards the point of the highest potential

22. (A): LED bulbs are far better than incandescent bulbs… (R): LED bulbs consume less power than incandescent bulbs

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