February 5, 2025

FAR – Education – Online

Source: http://www.floridarealtors.org/Education/OnlineEducation/index.cfm
Florida Realtors® Online Education

Florida Realtors offers a variety of online and multimedia education options for today’s busy Realtor.

GRI Classes Online

Florida Realtors is pleased to announce its partnership with Van Education Center (VanEd) in bringing the Graduate, Realtor® Institute program to you.

VanEd is a leading provider of online education courses for real estate and appraisal professionals. With this partnership, Florida Realtors offers members of our local boards and associations the accessibility of the GRI coursework in a convenient, at-your-own-pace, online format.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The GRI Online program is now approved for CE and post-license credit.

iCE Courses Offered Through Florida Realtors

Say goodbye to boring continuing education! In the “gamified” world of Interact CE, you’ll attract customers, negotiate contracts and win listings. Plus, you’ll earn your state-required hours at your own pace on your phone or tablet and increase your real-world skills in your spare time from the comfort of anywhere.

Check with your local association for availability of these virtual iCE CE Express courses or check out the

Florida Realtors Education Calendar.

Interact CE – The Continuing Education Game

Say goodbye to boring continuing education! In our world you’ll attract customers, negotiate contracts and win listings! Increase your real-world skills in your spare time from the comfort of anywhere! Earn your state required hours at your own pace on your phone or tablet.

NAR’s Realtor University

Florida Realtors has entered into a partnership with NAR’s Realtor University to provide online educational programs. The Realtor University is the exclusive provider of online courses leading to NAR’s official designations and certifications — ABR, AHWD, BPOR, e-PRO, CIPS, GREEN, RSPS, SFR and SRES. Realtor University also offers more than 400 hours of real estate and professional continuing education courses to help members build skills.

The CE Shop – CE classes with member discounts

New-Logo-gray-tagline-red-highres-01Are you short on renewal credits? Maybe you need to pick up your three hours of required core law? Florida Realtors has you covered!

Through our partnership with The CE Shop, we offer a wide variety of online education programs with discounted pricing. Choices include individual three- and four-hour CE programs, complete 14-hour renewal packages and industry specific programs for commercial real estate practitioners. We offer all t he educational components to complete your state required continuing education online! Courses can help you build your business, become an industry leader and stay on the cutting-edge!
