February 4, 2025

Free eLearning – Education for Health

Source https://www.educationforhealth.org/allresources/free-elearning/

Our free eLearning resources are available to support your development within clinical practice. Offered across a wide range of clinical areas, they are an ideal chance to enhance your skills using practical scenarios. If you experience any difficulties, please email sitesupport@educationforhealth.org and we will respond during office hours.

UKIG Standards for Inhaler Technique


The UK Inhaler Group (UKIG), a coalition of not-for-profit organisations and professional societies, recognises that many people find inhalation of medicines complicated and difficult leading to sub-optimal use and effect. It is vital that healthcare professionals have the skills to assist patients, yet many practitioners lack the necessary knowledge and skills relating to inhaler technique to support them.

As a result, UKIG has developed a set of standards and competencies for healthcare practitioners to enable them to work with patients to optimise technique and maximise the benefit of the medication. This site shows the standards in an easily accessible way.

COPD Exchange



Ever since the responsibility of this educational initiative transferred to Education for Health, we have been working hard to review and update the range of materials relating to COPD and its management. The initiative continues to include the successful “ten minute tutorials” and two minute refreshers relating specifically to what is COPD and its diagnosis and screening but now also includes:

  • new features including fact sheets
  • a reflective diary designed to support healthcare professionals with revalidation and overall professional development.

Diabetes Injection Technique and Safety



People with diabetes experience unexplained hypoglycaemia and glycaemic variation all too frequently. Evidence shows us that in many cases instruction on injection technique, injection site care and patient recall of education is sub-optimal.

By completing this Diabetes Injection Technique and Safety online programme you will increase your knowledge and skill and help to support people with diabetes using insulin to progress towards their health goals.

Introduction to COPD



Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a major public health problem. Introduction to COPD will provide nurses with the knowledge to manage patients with COPD throughout their journey.

This free resource aims to increase nurses’ confidence and competence and enhance their understanding of this complex disease.

Supporting Children’s Health: Asthma

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This free online resource is a public access site with content developed by expert health professionals in consultation with teachers, sports coaches and children’s activity leaders. Anyone who uses the resource will gain the knowledge and confidence to support children with asthma, deal with emergency situations and could help save lives.

Severe Asthma Online Module

https://www.severeasthmaonline.co.uk – being updated as of March 2019, website temporarily unavailable

This free eLearning programme is designed for practitioners in primary care who have some understanding of asthma management. It will take you approximately 45 minutes to complete and will allow you to print off your own certificate of completion.

Chronic Urticaria Online Module

Chronic Urticaria online module


This free eLearning programme is designed for UK healthcare professionals who need to enhance their chronic urticaria knowledge. It will take you approximately 60-75 minutes to complete. At the end you can complete the short assessment and print off a certificate of completion.


We also have previews of our eLearning modules available, see how our eLearning can work for you.