February 28, 2025

Free Online Courses – Online Education

Source: https://www.tcd.ie/OnlineEducation/free-online-course/

What are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)?

MOOCs are a free online learning experience. Thousands of learners from all over the world come together to explore educational resources delivered by Trinity’s leading academics. Educational resources include videos, links, articles, simulations, reflections and discussion forums. There is a focus on social learning where learners learn by communicating with one another in discussion forums.

When are the courses held?

Each of the courses are held throughout the year at different times. You can access the course at any time during the run of the course. There are no set times for the course, and you can access the course at your leisure. Keep up to date with course dates by following us on Twitter and Facebook.

How can I register?

Register your interest for our upcoming MOOCs on the Futurelearn site, or by clicking on the course images above. Watch our MOOC trailers to find out more about our courses.
