February 24, 2025
Get to know BrainPOP Science

Get to know BrainPOP Science

Author: BrainPOP via YouTube
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Get to know BrainPOP Science

Meet an ALL NEW solution just for middle school science! Discover scaffolded investigations that help your students build 3D science knowledge and literacy skills while igniting a curiosity for science all around them.

Learn more about BrainPOP Science at go.brainpop.com/science!

BrainPOP Science complements the core science curriculum in middle school classrooms with consistent, authentic opportunities for students to apply and transfer knowledge through experiencing and practicing science in multiple contexts. It makes science learning engaging, effective, and relevant to students by activating and challenging their previous knowledge and nurturing their curiosity to think scientifically. Students approach guiding questions through observations in multiple contexts, ask interesting questions, engage in scientific debates, and construct scientific explanations and arguments with evidence.

Ready-to-use, standards-aligned investigations center around relatable guiding questions and real-world phenomena in which middle schoolers are interested and nurture their innate scientific curiosity. Embedded formative assessment opportunities build comfort and confidence for state science assessments. In addition, data manipulatives, simulations, BrainPOP 3D Worlds® , and the overarching Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) processes provide students with authentic opportunities to “be a scientist.” As a result, they build critical scientific and data literacy skills, activate prior knowledge, make and collect observations, check their understanding and construct explanations with scientific evidence and reasoning.

The product has been designed to meet the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) requirements and is aligned to science standards across all 50 states.


BrainPOP Science is created by educational experts at BrainPOP, a leader in edtech for over twenty years with an estimated reach of 20+ million students annually and a presence in over two-thirds of US school districts. We are a beloved and trusted learning platform that helps accelerate learning for all students and boost achievement by building knowledge and skills essential to academic and life success. Our 1,200+ standards-aligned topics across core academic subject areas (ELA, Science, Math and Social studies) as well as Health and Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Every topic includes animated movies, playful formative assessments and deeper learning activities that promote skills development and create a joyful and engaging experience for all students.

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