January 24, 2025

How English became such a tricky language to learn [Advancing Learning Webinar]

Author: Macmillan Education ELT via YouTube
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How English became such a tricky language to learn [Advancing Learning Webinar]

English is sometimes said to be unusually hard, with inconsistent spelling, difficult pronunciation, confusing phrasal verbs and other features frequently cited as reasons. In this session, Lane Greene talks about the way some of English’s unusual properties emerged throughout history. He uses a range of practical examples to therefore give teachers a new way to understand (and perhaps teach) the peculiarities of the English language.

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Want to learn more about the evolution of words and phrases in English? Read our blog article by Michael Rundell at http://www.onestopenglish.com/community/teacher-talk/advancing-learning/advancing-learning-does-anyone-really-need-to-use-a-dictionary/557409.article.

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