January 11, 2025

ID and eLearning Links 2/11/20

Author: Christy Tucker
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As I read online, I bookmark resources I find interesting and useful. I share these links periodically here on my blog. In this post, I share an extensive list of podcasts, research on using videos for learning, and what one teacher learned in her transition to instructional design.


The Ultimate L&D Podcast Guide – Training Industry
Extensive list of podcasts related to learning, training, instructional design, and technology. I found several new podcasts thanks to this guide.

Video research

Donald Clark Plan B: Video for learning –15 things the research says – some may shock you…
Donald Clark provides a great summary of research on using videos for learning. Video length, using “talking heads,” cuts, screen size, and more. I had seen some of this research previously, but the info on cuts and screen size was new to me.

Our minds move through video like a shooting star, where the memories burn up behind us. Without additional active, effortful learning, we quite simply forget. A big warning here, people think they have learnt from video but as Bjork (2013) and many others have shown, much of this is illusory learning, mistaking the feeling that you’ve learnt things but when tested, you have not.

Donald Clark

Video quality doesn’t appear to matter as much as audio quality.

Donald Clark

Learning improves when there are “visual rests” and memory is enhanced when ”people have a chance to stop and think about the information presented“. We need to stop and think about that a little. It seems as though micro-chunking video down to smaller segments is a good thing for learning Florella (2019).

Donald Clark

Teaching to instructional design

Teachers in Need of a New Career Path: Think Instructional Design

A graduate of the IDOL Academy explains how to transition from teaching to instructional design and why it can be a good fit.

Instructional design is a good career path for teachers because teachers possess many transferable skills. Furthermore, the majority of teachers are hardworking individuals that are willing to learn new things. 

Dr. Melissa Rios La Luz

Check out my complete library of links.

Instructional Design and E-Learning Links

The post ID and eLearning Links 2/11/20 appeared first on Experiencing eLearning.

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