March 7, 2025

Integrating technology

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Image from pxfuel

I’m pleased to announce the launch of module number 4 in my Digital Learning series on the new ZilLearn platform. It’s a free, self contained online unit and takes less than an hour to complete.

Several people have already completed the first three modules and have posted favourable comments, so I guess I’m doing something right!

I designed the series with teachers in mind, especially those who have been compelled by the recent crisis to migrate all of their teaching to online and technology supported education. It can’t be easy to suddenly have to change tack and teach from a distance, especially if all you’ve ever known is a classroom. But there are plenty of ways to adapt, and plenty of choices in how to translate your practice across to a digital environment.

So, whether you’re supporting and tutoring students using a video conference tool, or developing content and activities for online learning – these modules are for you!

Here’s the link to Module 4: It’s called Integrating Technology

Here are the links to previous modules in the series:
Module 1: Personal Learning Environments
Module 2: Digital Literacies
Module 3: Supporting Online Learners

There are plenty more to come over the next few weeks! Please share with anyone you think may be interested, and do take a look yourself! I’m also, as ever, open to receiving constructive feedback on these modules. Please use the comments box below.

Stay safe, be well, and keep your distance!

Creative Commons License
Integrating technology by Steve Wheeler was written in Plymouth, England and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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