February 27, 2025

Ohlone College – Online Education

Source: http://www2.ohlone.edu/instr/onlineeducation/

Welcome to eCampus

Fully Online Class

Hybrid Class

Web-Enabled Class

Virtual Announcements

Starting January 4th, 2016, please be advised that:

All assistance for eCampus will be handled by
IT Services

For Instructors: submit a ticket at servicedesk.ohlone.edu

Canvas Support 24/7

Please Call 510-659-7334

Only for Ohlone College faculty and students

The Teaching and Learning Center


Online classes which are entirely conducted via Internet. These courses are instructor-led courses that usually have weekly assignments, quizzes and discussions. The courses are conducted using the tools of the Canvas course management software. Students are not required to come to either the Fremont or Newark campus.

Hybrid class is a blended course comprised of onsite and online components. Classroom hours are reduced and it requires some kind of online student activity as part of the course work. This activity may include some or all of the following: quizzes, homework assignments, group discussion, downloading of files, e-mail communication, and tests.

Web-enhanced class is delivered in the classroom with some web components to supplement class materials and activities. Your instructor will notify you on how to access this course. Class follows the traditional in class format. No off-site online instruction is used.
