February 4, 2025

Online Courses | Oxford University Department for Continuing Education

Source: https://www.conted.ox.ac.uk/about/online-courses

Structured as weekly online meetings, our online courses take place in a virtual learning environment. Class sizes are kept small (capped at 32 students, or 20 for creative writing) to maximise interaction between students and the tutor. Courses are normally 5-10 or 20 weeks in duration. A few longer courses result in Oxford qualifications at the undergraduate, advanced diploma and postgraduate levels.

How our online courses work

Sample units from online courses in Archaeology, Art History, Literature and Philosophy are available to view from the course demonstration site.

Registration for course credit

Please refer to our CATS Points System guidelines to find out how to register for credit.

Your online course credit can be used for an Oxford Award

Credit earned from our online short courses is transferable towards our award programme, the Certificate of Higher Education.
