January 11, 2025
Powerful Android Apps CLEAN Refactor

Powerful Android Apps CLEAN Refactor

Video by CodingWithMitch via YouTube
Powerful Android Apps CLEAN Refactor

The best android courses on the planet: https://codingwithmitch.com/

I did a major refactor to the "Powerful Android Apps with Jetpack Architecture" course.

Here’s a high level of what I did:
1. Migrate from Dagger to Hilt.
2. Update Navigation Component.
3. Avoid sharing viewmodels. It makes unit testing easier when I can test fragments in isolation.
4. Splitting business models into Entities and Dto’s. This way I have a clear business model, network model, and caching model.
5. Writing use cases.
6. Unidirectional data flow with MVI and kotlin sealed classes. (See Interactors)
7. Refactor message handling system to a Queue.
8. Migrate from Shared Preferences to DataStore.
9. Migrate from Kotlin synthetics to ViewBinding.
10. Write Unit tests for use-cases.



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