October 6, 2024

[publication] Setup of a Temporary Makerspace for Children at University: MAKER DAYS for Kids 2018 #tugraz #makereducation #makerdays

Author: Martin
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The conference proceeding of this year „Robotics in Education“ is online now and we contributed with a chapter about the MakerDays for Kids.


The maker movement has become a driving force for the new industrial revolution, whereby all learners should have the opportunity to engage. Makerspaces exist in different forms with different names and a variety of specializations. The MAKER DAYS for kids are a temporary open makerspace setting for children and teenagers with the goal to democratize STEAM education and social innovation and to empower young learners, especially girls, to shape their world. This publication presents the setup and results of a temporary makerspace at Graz University of Technology with more than 100 participants in four days in summer 2018 and discusses the role of new technologies as a trigger of making in education. Moreover, the MAKER DAYS implemented an innovative evaluation concept to document the participants’ activities in open and unstructured learning environments.

[article @ publisher’s Homepage]

[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Grandl M., Ebner M., Strasser A. (2020) Setup of a Temporary Makerspace for Children at University: MAKER DAYS for Kids 2018. In: Merdan M., Lepuschitz W., Koppensteiner G., Balogh R., Obdržálek D. (eds) Robotics in Education. RiE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1023. Springer, Cham

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