January 12, 2025

TEFL Distance Learning Courses

Source: http://www.europa-pages.com/uk/tefl-distance-learning.html

These pages contain a directory of institutions offering TEFL (TESOL) courses in Britain, for native and/ or non-native speakers.
This section is for people wishing to TEACH English. If you would like to LEARN English go to the UK Home Page

for TEACHING English


TESOL/TEFL courses pre-eminent in the field of distance learning and recommended by professionals for more than 23 years.

The all-inclusive fees for the Training Link Online programmes include:

  • highly professional in-depth programmes
  • course set books sent anywhere in the world
  • interactive course material
  • professional tutoring throughout each course
  • registration and examination fees
  • cassettes/CDs
  • despatch of end of course certificates

The Eurolink postal-driven courses range from introductory programmes, Certificates, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and a Master’s level programme leading to the Fellowship of the College of Teachers — F.CoT(TESOL).

3, Abbeydale Road South
Millhouses, Sheffield S7 2QL, UK

tel: +44 114 262 1522 fax: +44 114 236 0774
email: info@traininglinkonline.co.uk
web: www.traininglinkonline.co.uk and www.eurolinkcourses.co.uk



  • The English Training Centre (ETC) offers fully accredited Tefl /
    Tesol certificate courses
    by distance learning and has trained over 3,000 teachers.
  • Our 150-hour and 250-hour certificate courses are accredited by ACTDEC(Accreditation Council for Tesol Distance Education Courses). Both of these
    courses give you the skills needed to become a successful English language teacher, plus an internationally recognised certificate.
  • Our 70-hour Tefl / Tesol certificate course is ideal for people needing an introduction to English teaching principles and practical methods.
  • Optional observed Tefl / Tesol teaching practice can be arranged through the ACTDEC Teaching Practice Portfolio Scheme or with one of our partner schools.
  • Our certificate course in Teaching Business English is accredited by
    the College of Teachers based at the Institute of Education, the University of London.
  • You will have an experienced personal tutor who will provide comprehensive feedback on all assignments and full support throughout the course.
  • Our Tefl / Tesol jobs pages provide information and
    support in finding English teaching posts in other countries.
  • We currently have various special offers such as free books and a free
    100-page Grammar Guide.

    For full information, please visit our Tefl / Tesol Courses pages.

English Training Centre
53 Greenhill Road, Moseley
Birmingham B13 9SU

tel: +44 (0) 121 449 2221
web: www.englishtc.co.uk

TESOL-direct is one of the leading TESOL providers and offers professionally designed TESOL courses by distance learning.

Whether you want to start a new career, or teach abroad for a year, our Associateship in TESOL Certificate is ideal.

Our courses are accredited by the College of Teachers based within the Institute of Education, University of London. The College is recognised as an accreditation board by the British Council.

To find out more about our courses, please visit www.tesol-direct.com
To ask a question, please contact info@tesol-direct.com.

The advantages of the TESOL-direct courses:

  • Our courses are accredited by the College of Teachers.
  • Our TESOL courses have been designed by experienced and qualified professionals.
  • You will always receive helpful and comprehensive feedback from your tutor.
  • There are no time limits or deadlines.
  • Courses are available by download, on CD-ROM or in printed format.
  • Our TESOL course includes a free Grammar Guide.
  • We include a free copy of Planning Lessons and Courses by Tessa Woodward (CUP).

Students completing this course (estimated 160 hours) are qualified to teach TESOL/TEFL in the UK and the rest of the world.

You will be awarded a TESOL-direct certificate and also the Associateship in TESOL issued by the College of Teachers.

We also offer a Certificate in Teaching Business English to Speakers of Other Languages and this is also accredited by the College of Teachers. We are the only course provider with a TBE certificate accredited by the College.

We are ISO 9001 certified. You can be confident that you are enrolling with a professional organisation.

53 Greenhill Road, Moseley
Birmingham B13 9SU

tel: +44 (0)121 4492221
email: anne@tesol-direct.com web: www.tesol-direct.com

Other Distance Learning TEFL / TESOL Courses

i-to-i TEFL training
Woodside House, 261 Low Lane
Leeds LS18 5NY
tel: 0870 787 2375 fax: 0113 205 4619
email: tefl@i-to-i.com
web: www.onlinetefl.com
Internationally recognised and accredited TEFL certificates and diplomas. Paid teaching placements, weekend, online, distance and three-week TEFL courses.

INTESOL International TESOL Training
Head Office, 4 Higher Downs
Cheshire WA16 8AW
tel: +44 (0)1565 631 743 fax: +44 (0)1565 631 366
email: info@intesolinternational.com
web: www.intesolinternational.com
Online & distance learning TESOL Certificate and Diploma courses accredited by OCNW to levels 4 & 5 of the National Qualifications Framework . Teaching practice available

TEFL International
tel: 0800 652 1724 (freephone)
email: admin@teflinternational.org.uk
web: www.teflinternational.org.uk
PELT Cert TESOL combines 40hrs+ intensive classroom tuition with paid Internship & 30hrs+ self-study DVD pack

16/17 High Street
Dingwall, Ross Shire, IV15 9RU
tel: 01349 800 600
email: info@tefl.org.uk
web: www.tefl.org.uk
50-hour online TEFL course designed to give an in-depth study into the methodologies & techniques of Teaching English as Foreign Language. Face-to-face courses also available throughout Scotland. Accredited by the SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) and the ODLQC (Open and Distance Learning Quality Council)

Albany Language Services
Suite 206, 61 Wellfield Road
Roath, Cardiff CF243DG….Tel: 07726 935047
email: enquiries@albanylanguages.co.uk

Aston University
Language Studies Unit, Aston Triangle
Birmingham B4 7ET
tel: 0121 359 3611 ex4242
email: lsu@aston.ac.uk
distance learning Dip./ MSc in TESOL/TESP

Bournemouth & Poole College of Further Education
International Operations, Lansdown Centre
Bournemouth BH1 3JJ
tel: 01202 205656 fax: 01202 205991
email: international@bpc.ac.uk

English Language Consultancy
116 High Street, Cockenzie
East Lothian EH32 0DQ
tel: 01875 819608
email: info@englishlanguageconsultancy.co.uk

Global English
5 Charlotte Mews, Pavilion Place
Exeter EX2 4HA
tel: 01392 411999 fax: 01392 411900
email: info@global-english.com
ISO9000 accredited courses by post or online

Institute of Education

University of London (room: 613)
20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
tel: 020 7612 6495 fax: 020 7612 6534
email: b.peries@ioe.ac.uk
MA TESOL by distance or campus based

Intensive TEFL Courses
26 Cockerton Green
Darlington DL3 9EU
tel: 0845 6445464 fax: 01325 366167
email: info@tefl.co.uk

International House
The Distance DELTA
106 Piccadilly, London W1J 7NL
tel: 020 7518 6929 fax: 020 7518 6921
email: admin@thedistancedelta.com
For DELTA courses only

Languages Training & Development

Suite 2, Windrush Court

56A High St, Witney, Oxford OX28 6ET
tel: 01993 708637
email: info@ltdoxford.com
distance programme for the LCCI Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English

Leeds Language College
12 Greek Street
Leeds LS1 5RU…..Tel: 0113 242 7534
on-line blended learning course for teachers funded under Comenius/Gruntvig

London Montessori Centre
18 Balderton Street

London W1Y 1TG.
tel: 0171 493 0165 fax: 0171 629 7808
email: mci@montessori.ac.uk
Teaching English as an Additional Language Certificate

London Teacher Training Centre
60 Windsor Avenue
London SW19 2RR ..Tel: 020 8133 2027
Email: lttc@teachenglish.co.uk

Regents English Language Centre
Regents Park Campus, London Road
Nantwich CW5 6LW
tel: 01270 615410 fax: 01270 615430
email: info@regentsenglish.org.uk

TEFL International
60 North Road East
Plymouth PL4 6AJ
tel: 01752 240044
email: admin@teflintl.com

Tefl Time
7 Mulberry Close
Ferring BN12 5HY
tel/fax: 01903 573679
Email: info@tefltime.com

TEFL Training
Friends Close, Stonesfield
Witney OX29 8PH
tel: 01993 891121 fax: 01993 891996
email: info@tefltraining.org.uk

31 Palmerston Place

Edinburgh EH12 5AP
tel: 0131 226 6975
email: enquiries@tefldiploma.co.uk
Trinity LTCL Diploma in TESOL

University of Birmingham

CELS, Westmere
Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT
tel: 0121 414 3239 fax: 0121 414 3298
email: CELS@bham.ac.uk
open distance learning MA TEFL/TESL

University of Dundee
Communication and Language Studies
Caird House, 172 Nethergate
Dundee DD1 4HN
tel: 01382 384535
email: EFLSALLS@dundee.ac.uk
Cert/Dip/Masters in Teaching Modern Languages to Adults/TMLA (EFL/MFL).

University of Manchester

Faculty of Education, Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
tel: 0161 275 3467 fax: 0161 275 3480
email: education.enquiries@man.ac.uk
MEd in ELT and MEd in Educational Technology and ELT

University of Sheffield
School of Education
388 Glossop Road, Sheffield S10 2JA
tel: 0114 222 8087 fax: 0114 279 6236
email: l.roe@sheffield.ac.uk
MEd in English Language Teaching by distance learning

University of York
Language Teaching Centre Heslington
York YO10 5DD
tel: 01904 432483
distance learning MA in Teaching English to Young Learners

arrow See also:

TEFL / TESOL Distance Learning Courses (from schools based in Ireland)

arrow Looking for a TEFL / TESOL job? Visit our Language Job Centre

English Language Schools in Britain Home Page
