“the only way to make sense out of change”
Author: Harold Jarche
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Every fortnight I curate some of the observations and insights that were shared on social media. I call these Friday’s Finds.
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” —Alan Watts
“Respect and deference are two different things, sir, too often mistaken for each other.” —Maxine Peake as Martha Costello QC, Barrister in Silk via @tantramar
“Sorry to break it to you but arguments and facts don’t change people’s minds. It’s been proven neurologically that only relational warmth, not a war of words, can light up our neocortex awakening us to something new.” —@danwhitejr
A Line in the Sand by @dsearls
‘This new fight is against actual and wannabe corporate and government overlords, all hell-bent on maintaining the caste system that reduces each of us to mere “consumers” and “data subjects” in a world Richard Brautigan described perfectly half a century ago in his poem “All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace”. You know, like The Matrix, only for real.
They’ll fail, because no machine can fully understand human beings. Each of us is too different, too original, too wacky, too self-educating, too built for gaming every system meant to control us. (Discredit where due: we also suck in lots of ways. For example, Scott Adams is right that we’re easy to hack with a good con.)
But why wait for nature to take its course when surveillance capitalists are busy setting civilization back decades or more—especially when we can obsolesce their whole business in the short term?’
Baggini’s Consolations for a Post-Truth World via @marksstorm
“I think that internet technologies are making everything so transparent. The arms race of deception and spin against the public trying to keep up with it – I think the forces of spin have to lose. In the corporate world people are finding this. Corporate social responsibility has been on the agenda for a very long time – and a lot of people say it’s a kind of green-wash or white-wash – but because there’s nowhere to hide anymore, people are coming around to the realization that the only way to be seen to be good is to be good. You can’t fake it.”
“Few traditional meetings are built to do meaningful work. Instead they unconsciously adopt an ancient model: a rote diet of lectures. Conscious meeting design, on the other hand, builds appropriate structure that supports and leads to defined and desired outcomes, aka meaningful work.”

What might leadership for meetings look like? by Adrian Segar