July 27, 2024

Top 50 Learning System Rankings (#39-#21)

Author: Craig Weiss
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Back for another set of rankings, this time number 39 to 21.  Once again the same criteria as the previous rankings, which you can find here and unless otherwise specified you can find every system on my learning system search engine platform, FindanLMS.  I strongly recommend that if you reach out to any of these vendors, you want to have a demo first and foremost.  There are systems on FindAnLMS, where you can request a demo by a quick click of a button, regardless, go demo first when talking to any vendor.

A bit of a twist for this extensive list.  Rather than go into a lot of details, this post will list the vendors in their official ranking, with a couple of points.  Thus for extensive info, I recommend Craig’s Take for each ranked vendor that you can find in FindAnLMS.  My Take will be with each vendor (who is in the platform and ranked), by Feb. 10th (which for folks attending LearningTech, a perfect assist when you looking for an LMS or LXP or Learning Platform)

Now onto the Rankings.

#39 SkyPrep – Craig’s Take on FindAnLMS is available for this system. 

  •  LRS, classroom management, compliance mgt and mobile are wins
  • System is solid with Tier 1 and Tier 2 NexGen, still needs a bit for Tier 3 though
  • Outstanding UI/UX

#38 Kallidus Learn

  • Learner UI and UX is very good, Administration features are quite strong
  • Reporting, Analytics are wins,  e-commerce is outstanding

#37 DialogEdu

  • Certificate management is quite good, learning environment is strong
  • Big wins exist in analytical data and reporting including KPIs and heat maps
  • System that oozes potential

#36 Tessello – Craig’s Take on FindAnLMS is available for this system.

  • Bookmarklet –  which is added to your address bar area (on your browser), so that when you find a web site you like, you can click the bookmarklet and it is auto placed into the system (with whatever text you wish to include).
  • Playlist are quite good.  System is strong in classroom mgt, event management and learning environment.   ADA 508 compliant and has an LRS.

#35 TopClass

  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 NexGen functionality
  • Administration is very impressive;  Manager capabilities achieved a perfect score, certificate and classroom management strong.
  • System to watch in 2020, lots of potential

#34 Agylia

  • Truly a mobile first vendor in the LMS space (many claim that but aren’t really)
  • Administration functionality achieved a perfect score (impressive)
  • AI for content recommendations, event management – another perfect score, bookmarklet/extension for your browser too
  • Not a system if you want e-commerce, and classroom management


  • Mobile native apps include functionality for managers and instructors; for managers big wins include monitoring employees and their courses, communicating with employees, checking analytics, running reports
  • Assessment tool achieved a perfect score (sweet),  drag and drop dashboard widgets, compliance capablities
  • Very nice UI/UX

#32 Knowledge Anywhere –  Craig’s Take on FindAnLMS is available for this system. 

  • Streamlined yet has the key functionality you need in an LMS, at a price point that is quite affordable.
  • For the upper tier packages (excluding the “base” if you will), the system can convert (when you upload) any PDF, document, video, etc. into a SCORM file. This is huge especially with the word doc and PDFs. Extremely rare.  Of course the system supports numerous course standards, so it will accept any 3rd party course that aligns to those standards.


  • Content curation and playlists are strong
  • Very nice UI/UX, Tier 1 and Tier 2 NexGen exist,  Tier 3 is mixed
  • An LXP that is new (in 2019), but there is just something I like about it, something that says, pay attention to me because I am going to be special in 2020, and you know what, I think they will.

#30 Growth Engineering

  • UI/UX is very good, Administration UI has been upgraded – nice
  • Scored high in Tier 1 and Tier 2,  Steady though on Tier 3 NexGen, mentoring is a win with this system, especially with the way they incorporate “Experts”
  • Gamifictation dominates this system in a good way, albeit not a fan of them charging extra for the Reward Center
  • Knowledge Arcade (mobile app) that needs Genie (their authoring tool for the content),  is beyond wonderful – Knowledge Arcade that is – Battles are cool

And Now the Rankings of #29 to #20

#29 Talent LMS

  • Mobile includes on/off synch; assessment tool is good, mentoring has some nice capabilities
  • Course marketplace includes 22 providers, which is in the upper tier for LMS vendors (i.e. total number of providers);  UI/UX on learner and admin side is very good,  multi-tenant,  certificate management is very good

#28 CourseStage

  • #2 ranked in the association market, big wins include certificate management, administration (scored 98%), Tier 1 and Tier 2 NexGen, skills managment is solid
  • Mobile includes on/off synch; Learning Enviroment scored (95%),  compliance feature set is good
  • Under the radar system, hopefully this will change

#27 Asentia LMS (Pro version)

  • Big wins include certificate management, instructor area and classroom management, learning environment and UI/UX for learner and administrator
  • Multi-tenant, e-commerce is good, mastery learning (aka knowledge reinforcement or tasks) is good, converts PDFs, video, PPT automatically into SCORM content (rare with PDF)
  • Affordable system that offers a lot for the price point

#26 Instilled LXP

  • Playlist functionality is outstanding, I love the video aspect of it because you have the ability to edit the video within the system (built-in video editor), and track everything when the video is posted including by chapters if you so wish
  • System will work with 3rd party authoring tools and content that is not a video
  • Bookmarking and auto transcription is just awesome, especially with search within the transcript too
  • Watershed LRS is built into the system, a major victory for metrics and analytics

#25 IMC Learning

  • Skills management is outstanding, big wins include learner can add their own skills and then self-assess, the system can generate a playlist based on skill rating, skill level or any other skill related item, skill ratings including the ability of the manager and/or administrator to review and change rating (if applicable)
  • Certificate management includes the capbility to assign multiple certificates to one piece of content, classroom management and event management are quite good
  • Very robust system across the board, including IDP for folks who want leadership development as part of the system and goal management too, compliance mgt is very good
  • UI/UX is nice

#24 glo Learn

  • Very nice UI/UX for learner and administrator
  • Skills management is outstanding, big wins include playlists’ content generated by skills,  ability to create your own library of skills, including definitions (achieved through the administration side), self-assessment by learners of their skills and skill ratings
  • Learning journeys continue to impress
  • Mobile includes native apps, on-off synch, instructor capabilities
  • On roadmap for 2020 is the ability to scan badges via their mobile app, track record on roadmap deliverables has been outstanding
  • Administration functionality achieved a perfect score, as did manager and instructor in the system

#23 Docebo

  • Coach and Share components are very good, big fan of the build your own subscription bundle within the system
  • Outstanding UI/UX, Tier 1 and Tier 2 NexGen,  Tier 3 is fine
  • With their machine learning (they refer to it as AI), system can scan (automatically) documents, courses, content, audio and video files
  • Extensive list of connectors and extensions, very good content marketplace
  • Multi-tenant with custom domains, e-commerce too
  • Analytics and data is nice, but not as extensive as it could be

#22 Skilljar

  • Ranked #2 for customer training
  • Outstanding UI/UX, system is designed specifically for customer training/B2B/partner training, e-commerce is very good
  • Administration and learning enviroment scored high marks
  • Multi-tenant capabilities are very good
  • Analytics data and metrics are fantastic
  • Continues to get better year after year

#21 Peoplefluent

  • #1 in the life sciences vertical (includes Title 21 CFR Part 11) – a requirement for Pharma
  • UI/UX is very good for learner and administrator
  • Comes with the Gomo authoring tool and Watershed LRS (automatically built-in)
  • Achieved perfect scores in compliance management, manager and instructor areas, assessment tool, multi-tenant, classroom management, learning enviroment
  • Administration is very good (Scored 98%);  Skills management is extremely good includes items: skill ratings, self-assessment, manager/admin review and modify ratings (when applicable), ability to link to career development framework and match skills, job level, and job role to content
  • Playlist capabilities match anything a top rated LXP can do, which honestly is impressive
  • Mentoring is robust
  • Analytics and reporting is very good
  • No pressure here, but this is a system that could crack the Top 10 in 2021 if they continue on this path of functionality and capabilities

Bottom Line

All of the above systems can be found in FindAnLMS.  Some of the systems above are well-known, others not so much, but each of them achieved results, worthy to be in the Top 50 Learning Systems for 2020.

Coming up later this week for those keeping score, a post on #20 right up to #1 (with the Top 10 including extensive details).

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