December 26, 2024

Walking the Tightrope

Author: Aubrey
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Today’s soundtrack is brought to you by The Greatest Showman:
I’m writing this morning after coming off of a really hard week. One of those weeks where it feels like you are knocked down, over and over, and every time you try to stand up, another gust of wind comes and keeps you on the ground.
But I wouldn’t say it’s been a bad week. Sure, that’s easier to say on this side of it, but it’s been a week full of learning through the struggle and facing what’s going on instead of running away from it. Ultimately, I know that will lead to healthier and better outcomes.

So, what’s been going on?

Our organization is going through a lot of change at the moment. A massive reorganization of district staff supporting instruction means that I am in a new role, working with a new team, for a new supervisor, in a new place…and so is everyone else. Our jobs are still being defined, and we don’t exactly know what everything looks like yet. Of course, as we are figuring things out, we all have a tendency to fill in the blanks with what makes sense to us in our frame of reference. And now, a month into the school year, these assumptions are starting to come out and grate against each other. And that’s uncomfortable!
At the moment, I feel like I’m walking on a tightrope. On one side is where we hope to get to with this change – being super supportive to schools, working well together as a team, and doing everything we can to set our students up for success. On the other side is the messy chaos and fears that come with making a change. On a personal level, one side contains a world where I feel excited about my work, where I see how I am making a difference, and where I have strong relationships with teammates and schools. On the other side, I feel purposeless, unsure of what I am doing or why I am doing it, and feel disconnected from those I am meant to work closely with.

The messy middle

I’ve always loved the term “the messy middle.” It acknowledges the reality of things being hard in the moment, but simultaneously shares the hope of things getting better. And that is exactly where I am at right now. Holding on, clinging to my belief that this stage will slowly start to fade away and I will find myself more firmly planted on the light side.

Supporting through change

So, why do I share all of this here? Some of it is because I want to be real on this blog, and share both the triumphs and the struggles. But beyond that, it has made me think about how we support people through change. What felt supportive to me this week?
  • Listening – letting me share and process as I tried to navigate the tension I have been feeling
  • Reassurance that it was okay to be in this place – we don’t have to pretend that everything is great all of the time, and we have all felt this way at times
  • A bit of margin – permission to go outside and take a walk for a minute to clear my head and not feel bad for not “working” during this time
  • Asking questions – helping me see things from another perspective
  • Attending to both the concrete solutions/ideas (let’s try this to help) and the deeper emotional side (I hear that you are feeling like this) – seeing the whole person
  • Affirmation – when things feel unsteady, it is easy to doubt myself, and the words (especially from supervisors) about what I am doing well were helpful reminders to me
I know that, being in a district-level position, part of my role is help others navigate change as well. I hope that I can be just as supportive as my leaders have been to me, largely through doing things on this list, and through doing that, we will all be able to walk through this change (and others that will come!) and come out stronger on the other side.

How do you support others in navigating change?

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