January 5, 2025

What students liked most about elene4work

Author: eLene Network via YouTube
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What students liked most about elene4work

This video is part of the Lessons Learnt Kit that was produced based on the experience of elene4work project (funded by the ERASMUS+ programme). It includes interviews with University students who participated in the piloting of an online learning pathway for developing soft-skills for employability, as well as with project partners who monitored the learning process.

The second publication of the eLene4work LLK consists of 3 videos with students’ and project partners’ interviews. In these videos you will find unique information right from the voice of the project team members that monitored the students experience along the eL4w learning path, including their studies in the selected MOOCs on soft skills. You will also find interviews to the students themselves, telling about their impressions and achievements.

Main target: universities’ teachers; researchers, pedagogues in general, instructional designers, elearning experts; HRs, PMI entrepreneurs, Managers; VET (Vocational Educational Training) institutions and trainers.

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